Looking to trade SPS/coral for Colorado Sunburst Anemone


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Please see title. If you can post a photo of the anemone, it would be much appreciated, along with a list of any corals you are looking for specifically. I do have a list of *my* coral, but I am ultimately doing this posting for a friend who prefers to purchase privately from out of state to avoid the higher prices, has very successful and highly prolific reef tanks in the hobby, and is willing to trade and allow me to share their contact info with you should you have one you are willing to part with and ship for said trade.

I swear this will be worth your time. You definitely have read multiple articles by this person, and they love to regularly trade coral with other people.

Out of respect I'm simply going to keep their information private until it makes sense to share it with the ideal party.

Should you not want to ship and you'd rather trade for a colony or frags of some of my SPS that works too, and I'll pack it up and ship it. Not a big deal but I figure he definitely has more variety and larger pieces than I do.