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  1. S

    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Hello! February tank update :) Tank survived well after I left for 10 days with great care from my son (water change, dosing, feeding he did a great job). Getting ready to add more fish, hopefully this weekend. We will need some good algae eaters maybe a tang, shrimp, and watchman goby.
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    February MASC Meeting - Chili Cook-Off @ Underwater Wonders - Feb. 1st @3:30pm

    Wish I could make this but I will be out of town. Next time!
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    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Algae is really going now. My little clean up crew is making some dents. I’m going to Aquatic tomorrow to get reinforcements. Would putting more corals in at this point help compete with the nutrients or would it be best to wait time between putting in more corals?
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    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Tank is 36 x 21x21. They are mounted 9” above the water surface. I would love to get them on WiFi so any help would be great. Thanks!
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    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Thanks! I would love more easy SPS! I did pick up 6 Blue legged hermits and one turbo at Elite Reef, they happened to be open New Year’s Eve. I should have gone with their recommended 12 hermits but was afraid of bio load. These guys are awesome cleaners. Did half the tank the first day! I think...
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    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    I am set up on AP right now for some reason I could not get the WiFi to work. AP is working well. I did only go only 40% on the highest as it seemed very bright. Here is what my schedule is
  7. S

    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Awesome! Would love some more corals. I’m going to hold off adding anything till February cause I will be out of town the last week in January and I want things to be stable. I’ll let you know when it is ready for more. Thanks!
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    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Hi all! Update on my tank build. Decide on the Noo-Psyche lights and received them last Tuesday. Thanks for the reco they look great. Also got a gift card for aquatic arts for Christmas and took a trip this weekend. My water parameters were testing well there so they recommended a few corals now...
  9. S

    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Just started looking into corals to start with. I came up with these: Zoanthids Sinularia leather Toadstool Xenia Duncan Candy cane Bubble List can certainly change depending upon lighting needs and budget :) the tank is 36 x 21 x 21 Thanks for all the comments!
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    New to Saltwater, 70g build

    Hello all! New to the saltwater realm but have had freshwater for a while. Excited for this new adventure! Finally got my tank cycled and added the first fish. This is my new eshoppes 70g with sump. Thanks to @Stithe for some great setup items! Looking forward to adding more in a few weeks...
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    RO system recos

    Thank so much for all the advice, looked at air water, and ice and getting the system for m them. Thanks again!
  12. S

    RO system recos

    Very helpful thank you! Now I will need to find a tank :) Excited to get started
  13. S

    RO system recos

    Thank you, I will look into the 5 stage system. As for tanks with sump, would there be an increased chance of leaks with sump plumbing instead of AIO? This type of tank makes my husband nervous and he is not the reef keeper :) I do travel a few times a year and was hoping to decrease a chance of...
  14. S

    RO system recos

    Hello, I am just getting started with planning a saltwater tank. I have had freshwater tanks for a few years and decided to explore the reef world. What type of RO system is recommended for Colorado water? I am in Littleton, under Denver water. Thinking of a 4 stage but wanted to get advice...