RKL+ALC+Kessil a360w+SPS


Cleaner Shrimp
So i'm looking for people who use Kessil a360w with the Reefkeeper lite and the advanced light controller who also grow sps. Specifically what i'm looking for is what settings do you use to achieve healthy sps growth without bleaching or browning. My birdsnest coral that I got about a month and a half ago bleached out a bit with ideal water parameters (minus the ph which sits at 8.1). Today I noticed a little bit of green coming back after I have dialed the intensity down. Right now i'm sitting at 95 on dim A and 86 on dim B, and I will probably dial it down a bit more before I am satisfied, so I'm curious what other people use to achieve satisfactory sps conditions.


Cleaner Shrimp
Additionally I have 2 a360w over a 48" spaced evenly apart, and they sit about 4 inches off the surface of the water with a glass screen top and sporadic water droplets on the bottom surface of the glass top. The birdsnest sits slightly to the center of the tank and almost directly under one of the lights. I don't have a PAR meter so I can't tell you those metrics.


M.A.S.C Club Member
What is the approximate distance between the kessil and your sps at the highest and lowest points in the tank?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
That distance away even 100% shouldn't bleach it. Most kessils run 350-450 about 6" from the fixture so I would expect it to be 200-350 at that distance. Shouldn't be overkill at all for that sps. You sure it's not bleaching from something else like redbugs, poor nutrients, etc?

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What are "ideal parameters "? I think we need more info. Alkalinity calcium for starters. How old is the set up? That's where I'd start looking first.

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Cleaner Shrimp
Last week's water tests; alkalinity 3.25, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ammonia 0, salinity 1.025, calcium 435, magnesium 1400, phosphate 0, and ph is at 8.1. From every resource I have looked at would tell me that those are ideal, correct me if i'm wrong.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Is 3.25 dKH a typo? If it's not, that's your problem. That should be around 9 or 10 with calcium at 435.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok. You meant 3.25 meq/L. That's reasonable.

You could try backing the spectrum to be more blue and/or back off the intensity and see if things improve. I would definitely take a very close look to see if you have any redbugs or nudis that made it on the sps.

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Cleaner Shrimp
So that is the birdsnest. I dunked it in a coral dip when I got it just for safety. Based on what I have seen online I do not believe there are any red bugs, and i'm not entirely sure what to look for with nudibranchs. At the LFS they had it under Kessils and it was quite green.


M.A.S.C Club Member
That's not bleaching. That's rapid tissue necrosis.

Do you have any other stinging corals nearby? Recently add something that could have changed your bacteria population? Did you drip acclimate before the dip? How long did you dip?

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Cleaner Shrimp
Damn. No, the only other corals I have are two green star polyps, and they are a ways away. I have added a firefish, 3 anthias, and the GSP since I got the birdsnest, other than that I have not done anything out of the ordinary. When I dipped the coral I followed the instructions on the bottle, 15 minutes and repeat after one week. I had read that drip acclimation was unnecessary. Therefore I did not. The LFS has similar water temperatures, and salinity. I did float the bag because I always do that with everything I get. Should I have drip acclimated? Is there anything I can do for it, or should I cut it out? One branch still has some green to it, can I save it?


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I'll cut ya another if you want to try again?!? RTN is weird. You never really know what the problem was.

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
From my experience, these coral are pretty sensitive to changes in alk. I wonder what the levels were at the LFS. Sorry the colony is struggling, always a bummer. Been there.


M.A.S.C Club Member
With LPS I never bother with a drip or slow change, but I do with SPS as I did have some RTN if the source had different alk. Rather than take the time to test, I always drip acclimate (technically I do it in surges removing 25% and dumping that then filling back to top with tank water while floating) every 10 minutes for an hour or two. I follow that with a 5 minute dip of just coral rx for SPS. For LPS, I do 15 minutes and I also do a 1:5 rodi to hydrogen peroxide dip too for 5 minutes.

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Cleaner Shrimp
I might take up Dr.DiDilicate on the offer since he is closer, DJBM3. Is there anything I can do to save the one branch that is still healthy or is it a colony wide disaster like Roanoke? Additionally the dying frag is superglued in, what is the best way to remove it?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I've had luck cutting off the dead tissue with a bone cutter to prevent the spread to the rest of the colony in the past.

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Cleaner Shrimp
I went ahead and removed it from the tank. I tested the water this morning since I do a water change on thursdays and I noticed that ammonia had gone up to 0.1 ppm. The only part that looked healthy still was only a centimeter long. I could not justify saving it.