DBTC Little Shop of Horror Zoanthids


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
(Photos pending, I gotta find a way to upload them to here via phone)

If anyone is interested in some of them, please let me know. I'm currently up to about 25-30 polyps, and I think a reasonable frag is probably 3 polyps, give or take. Making these and making sure they live takes time and space in my tank, and naturally the less I frag these the more quickly they will grow. I can post some photos of my two colonies later on, but if anyone has had a previous purchase of these melt on them, and can't prove it, I'll offer frags to those people first, and then to everyone else, on a reasonable, once a month system, pending growth. They seem to grow quite slowly, however, so I may give them another month or two to see if they take off, as they are pretty happy right now and starting to get nice and large, before fragging them up.

~~My conditions~~

1. I can't legally drive due to a visual disorder right now, so you'll have to come up here yourself. I'm in Longmont.

2. If you post, consider that your place in line. There is one exception. Photographic evidence of owning the zoa and it melting or purchase of the zoa prior to this month, August 23', will mean you get kicked into a priority line. Priority line is in order from oldest melt to newest melt. No datable proof, but photographic proof means you will be at the end of the priority line. Priority line will always exist for people who have experienced melted frags and they will be served first.

6.People who receive LSOH as a DBTC must offer the zoas to at least two other members in said Priority list before selling said zoas to any other third party. Anyone who breaks this rule or complains about any rule , (ideas and considerations are different and perfectly acceptable) will not be allowed into my future DBTC releases.

7. # of zoas will be set at 3 unless you were messaged prior to this post.

8. Bring your own bag. Zoa will be glued to a small frag plug via seatak. I recommend breaking off the seatak orb and using that to place your zoas. The plug will break before the orb/blob does.

9. Those who receive a frag of the Little Shop of Horrors will sit on a list below these rules, with a date of receival and if still alive or not.

10. In the event of a tank breakdown, if your zoas are still alive but you haven't covered your 2 frag fee to other MASC members, you must offer the zoas to MASC members on the priority list first, free of charge, so they may assume your spot on the seniority list and your duties to offer two frags.

11. I could frag single zoas out myself and sell them on a forum if I wanted, but this is a really cool zoa and lets be honest it should not be as expensive as it is. That's my main driver for this, that and I'd hate to see these melt and have no way to repurchase or obtain them. Please use your best judgement when and if you do decide to sell them, as I really have no determination of how well they frag or do in other tanks. To put this in perspective: I began with 2 polyps May 2022 and I'm slowly coming close to 25-30 I think now and less than about 2 square inches or so of space covered. They grow very slowly and it would be wise to wait as long as possible before you frag them up. Once you have read this post in full, tell me why you like or dislike DBTC, and if applicable, find your old receipt/email/and/or photo or the colony you lost of LSOH. :)

12. No tanks under 1 year of age. If you have something in tank that eats zoas, and you've posted about it, please do not join the list unless you have a different tank to put them in where they will be safe so you can responsibly repay your 2 DBTC frags.

13. This DBTC is currently MASC members only.

Current ETA of First Frags : September/October 2023, depending on growth.

~~End of my Conditions~~

With that out of the way, I'll get some photos up.

These zoas grow extremely slow, so the only advice I can give is put them in a spot where they won't get messed with or pulled off your rock work. If you want some seatak to make sure they don't move, I can give you 1ml of seatak if you bring a viable syringe, and a rubber band for said syringe to keep air out of the tip. Have a stopper for it? Even better.

Please remember to bring your own bags.

Housekeeping: I understand some of you may drive long distances to pick these up. I'm more than happy to offer you something to drink, coffee, lunch, etc. I actually enjoy doing that for people. If you don't have a cooler, I do have some Styrofoam coolers and ice packs that I can chill down before your appointment. Please do your best not to be over 15 minutes late or early for an appointment. If you are, it's not a big deal but I would appreciate just being told about it if something happened or you're still on the way. I'm more than happy to give anyone here the benefit of the doubt that life happens -- it certainly does.

Thanks and hopefully nobody sees these conditions as excessive, crazy, or negative. I feel like most of it is common sense. Perhaps last but not least, This will not be offered to non-MASC members. I apologize, but if you value what this website, and more importantly, MASC, offers, I think $24 is actually quite a deal. There's never been a better time to join, and this hobby can lend to some pretty brutal, expensive losses. (I know it might not show me as a member myself yet but I promise I just joined up today)

So with this, hopefully managing this helps me grow my ability to manage other DBTC offers I can make down the road, and further refine the process..

Happy reefing,

Kyle O'Neill


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Moderators can you please move this? I did not see this was posted on the wrong folder. Put it in whatever one you think is best though. Thank you and I apologize


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C President
M.A.S.C Webmaster
Moderators can you please move this? I did not see this was posted on the wrong folder. Put it in whatever one you think is best though. Thank you and I apologize


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Those are cool and stupid expensive nice DBTC!

Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I still can't legally drive but I need you to text me because I don't have your number anymore.

Weekends I'm completely open. Call me when you got about 5 minutes to talk because I wanna know if you just want a colony. I haven't looked it over for aiptasia yet, is really the issue. If you don't mind potential aiptasia then I'll look it over anyway but, if you do mind aiptasia then I'll make a regular frag of 3 polyps and if you need another then I can always make another. It would be more conducive to the trade for you to have them than me as you are closer to Denver than the rest of the group than I am.

I'm happy to make frags but I gotta start getting this spread before something happens to the colonies.

So, bottom line is anyone interested just pm me here, I'll give you my phone number and address and we can work out pickup times this month.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Consider most of the DBTC rules I set forward previously as null and void, but obviously our goal here is to make the zoa more readily available to people. They grow pretty slowly regardless. The order of the queue still applies, as does being a MASC member.