7.5g 1st Nano Reef Build!

update: I'm hoping I'll have all zeros in a few more days, I'm getting inpatient:dejection:!

Nitrates- 30ppm
I want to apologize for the few boring previous updates but I think the tank is finally there! Parameters today:

1 turbo snail
2 astraea snails
?1 hermit?

Well that's my initial plan for a clean up crew. I'm leaning towards astraea snail just because I think the turbos will get bigger than I want although overall I've read turbos do a better cleaning job. I really cant decide on if I want any hermits, how many, what kind, or if they would help the tank. I've read that they can become more of a nuisance than and algae eater and turn on corals, small fish, and beneficial inverts. but I've also heard good things about them and i love watching them move around the tank. So I am really hoping you all can help me make a decision on that matter. The plan is to head to great white tomorrow or friday

One last thing, should I try to raise my pH or is 8.0 fine?
wondering if anyone can tell me if this is aiptasia, if I should leave it, or remove it. there are two very very small heads (about 2mm). its a very small piece of rock that I could easily remove.
Yup it is Aiptasia.. I have one good sized one in my tank I am trying to get rid of also. Was told to put a peppermint shrimp in there and it would eat it... It has been 2 weeks now and she hasn’t touched it..I might just pull the rock and scrap it off or super glue over it... But you should try and get rid of it in my opinion because eventually they will spread..
mjzuverink;224713 said:
wondering if anyone can tell me if this is aiptasia, if I should leave it, or remove it. there are two very very small heads (about 2mm). its a very small piece of rock that I could easily remove.
View attachment 11642
The rock with aiptasia on it was thrown out. thanks.

In the past week clen up crew and first corals have been added.
Clean up crew:
Margarita Turbo snails- 2
blue legged hermit-1
possibly 2 more astrea snail will be added

Green toadstool
unknown zoas
hammer coral
metalic green torch coral
This is my green toadstool leather. this picture is from the day it was put in the tank. It was moved to the top of the tank and is currently shedding I think
I'd love to know what these are so please help with ID
Metallic green torch coral, 3 heads. they are not fully extended yet. I'm thinking I will give them a few more days to acclimate and if they don't adjust try moving them to lower flow in the tank
Purple green tip hammer coral, 2 heads
Full tank shot

Last week before I added the clean up crew, I had a huge diatom "bloom" almost immediately as my tank stopped cycling. the turbos along with water changes cleared that up in a few days. the last few days the tank has exploded in copepods and I'm assuming these will die down to a controlled population but fun to watch in the mean time. The plan is to get a pair of ocellaris clowns this weekend if everything is stable Friday.
update! got a pair of ocellaris clowns that have been doing great the past two weeks. here are some pictures of new coral and some tank shots
[attachment=64009:name]picked up this very small frag of pulsing xenia. Seems to be look bigger and bigger ever day. It has been in the tank for about 10 days. The little colony of zoas behind have almost doubled in number. If anyone could ID them for me I would appreciate it!
[attachment=64010:name]Orange digitata was put in Friday and seems to be doing well, all polyps are open and I love the color. The GSP is from great white aquatics and took a few days to open up but is looking good now.
[attachment=64011:name]the turquoise button polyps seem to be surprisingly sensitive, but they are doing well and I'm thinking they'll color up a bit more.
[attachment=64012:name]The green toadstool in this picture has been really on and off since I got it. I know they like to be moody but it rarely fully extends its polyps. it is high light, medium flow. I might try moving it to lower flow, but i'm not sure what is ****ing it off.
[attachment=64013:name]not sure what type of anthelia this is, but i like it.


Looks good! My first tank was a 7 gal too. Couple thoughts: with as nice and simple and uncluttered as your tank is, something has to be done about that heater haha. I built a false wall in mine to hide the equipment. Second, your toadstool might be getting stung by hammer. Can't tell from the pics how close it is, but in little tanks like this corals get pretty adventerous. Third, be wary of not only one, but 2 fish in such a small tank. Especially rimless, you're asking for a carpet surfer. Otherwise it's looking great!
That is a good thought. I'll try moving the toadstool to an empty corner. The xenia and zoas are closer to the hammer and seem to be fine but worth a try! I hate the heater. I had a smaller one that was very easy to hide but it was not keeping up. I think I'll deal with it for now, what do you mean by making a false wall? of rock? First thing I do every time I enter the room is make sure I have two clowns in the water, but they seem to be doing great. Feeding is the only time I really see them in the top 2 inches of tank