Crazy clownfish?

So I have what I think is a true percula, and it's been lonely since it's twin decided to try unsuccessfully living outside my tank, though we've never moved the tank to see if there is clown jerky stuck to the carpet. I assume it jumped or was consumed by my monster bristle worms. A couple months pass and I see a cool semi-black clown (it's got some dark areas but it's not a black clown) I can't live without - bring him home - he's not even out of the bag and the existing clown is snuggling up to the bag and super excited when I let him out. They swim around like newlyweds for a day - new guy is twitching and submissive. Then, that evening, I shut down the white lights and leave on the blues (chinese LED). My old fish loses its freakin' mind. Suddenly it is chasing the new fish all over the tank - new guy is zipping around so fast, he's tired out soon and hiding over a pump several scales lighter.

Now, every day, when that white light goes off, old guy performs this same stupid routine. Like he forgets the new guy is a clown. Jekyll and Hyde? It's been a week now, and during the day they aren't buddy-buddy. There is a little chasing and dominance, but not like this. Lights out? He wants to murder the other guy - racing around nipping and splashing. I begin to wonder if this is why the first guy took an air bath.

Lost cause? Take them both to the shop and exchange? Or has anyone else had this happen and stuff calmed down? I don't want to wait too long and have a dead fish, and I do not have a sump.

after a week the aggression should be slowing. have you tried not leaving the moon lights on and just total black out that might help. also the other could be a female as well if they are too close to the same size. when ever I lose a clown and haft to replace, the new one I get is a tiny size replacement the old clown usually grabs the new one buy the tail and shacks it once or twice lets it go then smooth sailing from there. but some times you just get an overly aggressive female. you could try taking them both out and house them in a different tank for a week and then put them back in the main tank some time that works. but if both are females the dominate one will usually kill the other one if she can't chase her out of her territory.


M.A.S.C Club Member
You can also try rearranging the rockwork to break up old territorial markers. They might be able to find new locations that allow them to live peacefully.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I had the same problem. When my white lights turned off and switch to the blue my fish changed colors and the other clown attacked him. I ended up putting 2 white leds on the blue circuit to make it less drastic
Glad to know it's not just me