Local Electronic Parts??

What has this world come to? Back in the day you could walk into micro center and get any thing you could ever need. Now you can only order most of the simple electronic components on line!

Does any one know of a local electronic store in town where you can walk in and buy power supplies or electronic connectors? And I am NOT talking about radio shack, they have sold out and are NOT like they were 15 years ago.

I have seen some things at MicroCenter but am more in the market for heat sinks and low voltage connectors.



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I order everything from Avnet and digikey. Unfortunantly I think the online retail killed all the local shops.

Shipping is fairly fast with both sites, It's usually about 3 days for me.
Fistells is the best place ever, they are at 10th and Banock. I use them all the time for work, lots of used stuff for good deals. Go straight to the counter and ask for parts, also bring cash, you get a better deal.
Fistells is amazing. Spent 40 minutes just looking. Had just what i needed and cheap.. man i hope this place stays open for many more years...