My 90 gallon's Last fish or 2


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
First off no tang police

This is my 90 as of right now..
1.5 inch hippo tang
> These two will be rehoused When they out grow
2.5 inch naso tang
3 inch X-mas wrasse
2 inch banggai
2 clowns
purple firefish

So I really been want to get this 5 inch blue jaw/throat trigger fish is this dumb?

But the blue jaw/throat would mean the world to have. I only thing is he's 5 inches. Or should I wait for a small one like 2.5-3 inches?

I do 15 gallon water change about every 2 weeks but I can Do this more if I can keep the blue jaw.
and my lifereef skimmer works great

What do you think????

Thanks for your time!
And see you saturday!!!
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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Anyone else think its ok?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll be a naysayer and say no in my opinion. I had a bluejaw in my 200G, ran the whole length all day. I predict that one that size will be stressed and highly aggressive with such a heavily stocked tank.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks I am leaning towards Holding out for a vary small male like 2.5 inches.