Need help pricing Fresh Water livestock

Finally decided to break down my last freshwater set up. Was shooting to sell as a package deal but had a ton of people just trying to buy my fish. Which is understandable
because for freshwater they are some pretty good looking cichlids.
So looking for help on price for individual fish or as a group. I have no clue what to offer or accept on this, strange how knowing whats fair in marine is not the same as fresh.

Ok so the list.
Male Acei 6in Male is perfect specimen for coloring and size
Female Acei 4 in They are a breeding pair. Female has some scarring from getting whooped on by the male his idea of courting is smacking her around.
3 Juvie acei from those parents about 2in
Female Labidocrhomis Caeruleus aka Yellow Lion or Yellow Lab 5in Bright yellow
Female Kenyi 5in Perfect looking fish for the breed
Featherfin Catfish 6in

All but the juvies are full grown and in great shape.

So once again any help on pricing would be appreciated, I know it isnt marine but figuring someone might have some experience