New Here Around These Parts


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hi All,

My name is Dean and I'm interested in becoming a Reef hobbyist.

I've had a 29G Freshwater Aquarium for around 8 years now, mainly comprising of South American Cichlids. I have got a great deal of enjoyment out of keeping a freshwater aquarium for so long, I am excited to start pursuing a Reef tank! This has become feasible mainly because I have graduated from college and now how the funds to start looking into a Salwater Tank as I know that they can be quite expensive(I am sure I am still heavily underestimating at this point!).

I'm thinking that I will want to start off relatively small(Less than 100G) and work on that tank for a while to ensure that it is something that I can happily keep up with. At this point I have relatively no knowledge of everything it takes to have a successful reef tank, but I do understand that keeping an aquarium is far more work than dumping in water and adding fish! I would like to have the tank up and running by next summer so I will use the in between time to hopefully trade/find some good deals to get everything up and running.

I look forward to tapping into all of your knowledge!



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome! Just keep researching and asking questions there's alot of great help here to help you find exactly what you want!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Great to have you. Anything larger than 30 and smaller than 90 would be a good start. Unless you have alot of money to go larger than 90 for (big skimmer, lots of salt, lots of water, lots of flow, lots of rock, lots of lighting). Small tanks a harder to keep just because of the bigger swings in parameters. Ask lots of questions thats what were here for.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome! Don't hesitate to ask questions, always good folks on here that are willing to help out!