Not new but never introduced...

Hi all. My name is Joseph and I thought it high time I introduce myself. I have actually been a member of the SCMAS for about 2+ years now and have only been into salt water a few months longer than that. I browsed over here from time to time but haven't really started posting and such until recently. I am a father to 2 boys (9yrs and 6yrs) and 2 girls (2yrs & 4 months) and have been happily married for 8 years.

We started with a 20 gallon in combination with a 55 gallon HOB filter, a free home made skimmer, and a dual PC light fixture from ebay. Most of the rock and corals were found on craigslist and we paid too much for them.

Then we jumped to an 80 gallon with a 55 gallon sump hidden behind it (no room underneath). This was our learning curve tank, and the curve was steep. When I sold it, I let the beast of a skimmer go for $100 and then kicked myself in the butt when I learned it's true value later. oh well.

We then (shortly) also had a 72 bow while still maintaining the 80. Ideally this would have been my quarantine tank. But my funds decreased far too quickly to keep this one. Note the light - that was my first DIY (PCs and MHs).

I now maintain a 30 gallon and a 55 custom and I think this is our comfort level until we get a house that I can cut holes in walls. Options have been a bit limited due to it being a rental house and to top it off, the in wall wiring is pretty old and not well ran. My 55 has a 10 gallon sump with a titanium heater and sensor and a mag 9 return that splits to 2 1" lines. I added the overflow box over a 2" drain back to the sump. Super skimmer 100 with a mag 5. hood has 2 x 250w MHs and 2x 96w PCs with 9 blue leds for moon lights DIY car kits. I am still keeping low end corals, but that's just till I get my "lucky" break and get a nice job to afford the better more brilliantly colored stuff, or reefkoi does more of his super fast auction stuff and I get the super deals. lol.

the 30 is my propagation and quarantine tank until I get a sump light (last one busted) for the main display tank again. This is where I foster what goes into the main display, and where I keep the puffer and clown outcast.

We love this hobby despite having been told before that it's out of our price range. My family and I have been resourceful in continuing to fund it by any means possible and are thankful to many for their generosity that has helped us to be able to enjoy it. I imagine saltwater will always be in our home (no matter where that is).
I have enjoyed every step of the journey... even the mistakes. It is from those that i have learned the most.