PE launches 'Save your Aquarium' to help save public Aquaria and Zoos


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M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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If you are reading this, you clearly love your aquatic friends and we hope that you, your family and your fish are keeping well at this time.

Whether you keep Coral or Koi, Cichlids or Angelfish, it is likely that your first exposure to these beautiful animals was through a Zoo or Aquarium.

Since shelter-in-place rules were implemented in March due the Coronavirus pandemic, these beloved institutions are in trouble, and there is a real possibility of us living in a world without their influence on the next generation of fish keepers. Without the footfall through doors their income has all but dried up but their running costs remain the same.

Today, Piscine Energetics launched the “Save Your Aquarium” campaign to help facilities with feeding their livestock. By helping these institutions save on their feed costs, we hope to help them not have to make the tough decisions around staffing, funding of research and conservation initiatives and closing their doors.

As a club you and your members can help to ensure the survival of these institutions in a number of ways:
  • Purchase a bucket for your aquarium(s), and choose a Zoo or Aquarium to give your bucket to.
  • Purchase a bucket and give both to the Zoo or Aquarium.
  • Make a nominal donation to the Zoo or aquarium of your choice.
  • Share the “Save Your Aquarium” information to your members and Social Media. We also have a Facebook frame available to update your profile photo with!

Visit to help support these institutions.

Would you like to support specific initiatives?

Click here to give to institutions that are participating in the Florida Reef Tract Restoration Program.

Click here to give to institutions that support Project Piaba