T5 lighting vs LED vs MH/CF


Cleaner Shrimp
We are running a custom 72 inch hood with Three (3) 400w Metal halide bulbs and two (2) 95w compact fluorescent bulbs with four two (2) bulb LED moonlights. This comes with two ballasts, one for the MH and one for the CF so we can do dusk and dawn.

We are considering switching to T5 or LED as our replacement tank is not as deep as the previous one and we do not need that much intensity.

I know we can substitute 250 w MHs but we are interested in T5 or LED. The MHs heat up that part of our house and the tank is near our thermostat which causes issues. We run a chiller, but the heat stays in the room.

Our questions are:
1. How do MH v T5 v LED work from your experience?
2. If we switch to T5, would that cut down on heat sufficiently to justify switching?
3. How much reduction in heat and power for T5 v LED?
4. Is anyone interested in swapping (with cash adjustment if needed) our MH/CF setup and if we do not need it, our chiller, for a 72 inch T5 or LED setup? [I know that the general trend is away from MH, but I have to at least float the question.] Our setup with the two ballasts allows dawn and dusk and the four double bulb moonlights are quite nice at night. The system worked great on our 175 bowfront, but is a tad of an overkill for our 155 bowfront as it is less deep.

thanks in advance for your time and input. -Jeff & Lauren Marmaro (Aurora)