
Hi all--

I found a tiny aiptasia on a frag and was able to remove the frag and dip it in Coral Rx. First, I took a razor blade and cut into the coral it was on (the skeleton of coral past) and thought I got most of it but noticed it went into a deep pit in the coral. I continued to cut away until I could see no more slime and saw clean, white coral.

I then dipped the coral frag in Coral Rx for 10+ minutes. I never reused water and rinsed well in clean fresh saltwater.

Any chance I nipped this thing in the bud???? I have seen no aiptasia on anything else and must have just missed this one.

Is there something more I can do to head off an infestation? Thanks!


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
besides putting the coral in QT and waiting to see if any grow, nope. I don't think CoralRx kills aiptasia though, didn't for me at least. You can simply wait at this point to see if you get any more.
rockys_pride;92694 said:
besides putting the coral in QT and waiting to see if any grow, nope. I don't think CoralRx kills aiptasia though, didn't for me at least. You can simply wait at this point to see if you get any more.
Well I guess we can only wait and see. I did a very thorough job of scrapping this thing off the frag and did not return it to water that would be going back to my tank but there isn't much else I could have done, I suppose. BTW those things are so ugly... it mostly because I know they're a pest but they're the nastiest looking brown.
rockys_pride;92707 said:
We'll see how thorough a job you did, they only need a tiny piece to be left behind to grow back....

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I know :( But that is why I physically removed the rock it was attached to, it ended up looking like a tiny little frag of aiptasia...just really slimy. I also used a towel to wipe the area clean as well.

If I wasn't successful, what are my options next? With a small number of them, what is the best way to get rid of them?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Even weirder name for lime water: Hair relaxer.

A lye relaxer consists of sodium hydroxide (also known as NaOH or lye) mixed with water, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, and emulsifiers to create a creamy consistency. On application, the caustic "lye cream" permeates the protein structure of the hair and weakens its internal bonds, causing the natural curls to loosen out as the entire fiber swells open. No special deactivation step is required after washing the lye cream out, other than the routine pH adjustment and hair-conditioning.
Can you imagine putting that stuff in your hair? Even worse, working a job where you're putting it on other people's hair all day. Yuck. That can't be good for you.
Ummfish;92716 said:
Even weirder name for lime water: Hair relaxer.

Can you imagine putting that stuff in your hair? Even worse, working a job where you're putting it on other people's hair all day. Yuck. That can't be good for you.
When I was growing up, my Dad worked as a mechanic for large machinery at a quarry. They mined lime among other things and I remember him coming home after a long day with lime dust all over him and all his stuff. Sometimes, when it would rain, it would burn his skin. I don't know the chemical properties of lime, but if it BURNS you, it can't be something you'd want to be exposed to a lot. He still works for that company but thankfully not in that capacity.

We'd also use lime on the floor of our barn (we also had a dairy farm) and it would do something to all the nasty on the floor to help break it down and make it more "clean-able." Whenever I think of lime or read of it on these forums, I'm instantly reminded of the farm and the fizzing it would make in the cow poop. LOL

So yeah, I'll take a shampoo, hold the lime.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah, the pH is out-of-control high. This is the same stuff that people use to clear clogged drains. I'm not sure I'll ever understand the things people will do for fashion.
Ummfish;92720 said:
Yeah, the pH is out-of-control high. This is the same stuff that people use to clear clogged drains. I'm not sure I'll ever understand the things people will do for fashion.
My main fashion trick is to take the mirror and cover it thoroughly. Apply as often as needed. LOL


Users with zero posts needing moderation to determine if they are spam bots
I was using a suringe with lemon juice and that worked well, but then at Reef Stock the Red Sea guy gave me some AiptasiaX. That works great, but I would not straighten my hair with it.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
You can mix any citrus juice with the kalk to make an even more effective paste, its basically a base burn, the same reaction as Ryans dad had when it rained.
rockys_pride;92902 said:
Don't use too much in a small tank, you'll throw off your params
Keeping a close eye on the offending frag and the rest of the tank but I only found one, removed the frag from the tank and removed the aip from that-- so HOPING I did the trick. I should have rinsed the area with citrus, had I known! But I'm just going to hope for the best and leave the citrus for my margaritas for now.
Dan s mixed reef;92905 said:
Where there is one more will follow. Kalkwasser is german for lime water. Get some peppermint shrimp to eat the aiptaisa
I have heard very mixed results on the use of shrimp and crabs on aiptasia control- do you have your own experience? I have considered getting some shrimp anyway, so I may just pre-load the situation in my favor. I'd also like to get a cleaner shrimp.... do they only clean fish, or do they clean everything?


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
ryan820;92906 said:
I have heard very mixed results on the use of shrimp and crabs on aiptasia control- do you have your own experience? I have considered getting some shrimp anyway, so I may just pre-load the situation in my favor. I'd also like to get a cleaner shrimp.... do they only clean fish, or do they clean everything?
They clean everything, stick your hand in the tank while they are in there

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