Going for a 40 Breeder build


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nah, you can set them right on the glass, and then pile the sand around them


M.A.S.C Club Member
Just a note, that if you do plan to have gobies or jawfish or anything that digs in the sand. You will want to put the rocks in the tank first, and then the sand. Otherwise they could dig under it and cause a collapse
You can do this, but I do find it better to put a very small layer of sand (like a few millimeters thick) or egg crate underneath as a precaution to prevent pressure points in the glass. And long as the sand layer is smaller than the goby, you eliminate the risk of collapse, but still spread the weight.

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OK well its official I'm looking for a new job.. :( So I debating on if I should at least get the setup to the point where I can let it cycle for a while in hopes that it doesn't take me too long to find a new job. I guess life throws you curve balls.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
OK well its official I'm looking for a new job.. :( So I debating on if I should at least get the setup to the point where I can let it cycle for a while in hopes that it doesn't take me too long to find a new job. I guess life throws you curve balls.
What do you do? Where do you live? If you don't mind me asking.


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Sorry to hear the news, but when one door closes another opens up!
I started my reef tank while on the job hunt. I had little money but more time to DIY systems! Also thank goodness clownfish are $20ish
Keep going!


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Sorry to hear about the job situation. I’m also curious about your background.

Love what you’re doing with the Pi. I’d love to see the progress on that as it comes together.


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FPGA was my favorite thing to work with back at UW! It fits the way my brain thinks. Unfortunately not very useful to me today. I’ll pass along any leads I see. I see FPGA jobs pop up in my inbox once in a while. (Still on someone’s list)
So I finished painting black on the back of the tank. I think I may try to finish it to the point where I can cycle it. I may have to stop if it starts costing too much.
I thinking I mainly need plumbing supplies like PVC pipe, various connectors, ball valves etc. Then some tubing for running water upstairs.. I already happened to get the more expensive stuff before I found out I got let go. Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything else.
Is there anything you need I may have spare parts laying around that you can have for free.

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Also forgot to say thanks for the offer.. If you have anything like what I mentioned let me know, but I hopefully won't need to spend too much more to get it to near finish.
Well I was going to do the mixing station with 1/2 inch fittings. As for the tank the return was going to be 3/4 inch fittings and the drain was 1 inch fittings. I'm not sure if It would be too much trouble to figure out every little fitting, but if you had some 1/2 ball valves that might be handy. I don't think there too expensive either way in the grand scheme of things.
Well so far the plumbing supplies I picked up were only about $100 so not too bad. Thanks for offering to help tho.. Now I just need to work on getting un-depressed enough to work on it. lol


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well so far the plumbing supplies I picked up were only about $100 so not too bad. Thanks for offering to help tho.. Now I just need to work on getting un-depressed enough to work on it. lol
Sorry I didnt respond faster. If you want to hold off and see what I have your welcome to it then you can return what you dont need. You still have my number swing buy I have a lot of misc stuff

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