2019 Fantasy football thread.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sweet! 10 teams are signed up. The draft is on Sunday at 7:30. When I went to change the time, 7:00 wasn't an option. Payouts will be 3rd - $25, 2nd - $50, 1st - $175. I still need money from @Jadkins4, and @Cake_Boss. Everyone else arrangements have been made. If you want to know scoring or any other league info you should be able to access it on yahoo in our league. I fixed the PPR setting from last year on the QBs.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just paid up. Looking forward to this league. What is everyone’s favorite nfl team? Hopefully there is a couple of you that aren’t donkey fans lol