A Golden Reef Tank (v2)


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My wife says that is insane! I agree, so awesome!
Thanks Chris and Mrs Chris! It's a little insane but a nice project to have behind me.

That is pure Sexy! Engineers and their toys :rolleyes:o_O
Whats your plans for the skin of the canopy?
I have a lot of enablers here encouraging me down the dark side. Why manually move the hood when you can spend 80+ hours adding automation? I was trying to explain to my wife how sexy the glowing buttons are on the controller box, She doesn't get it.

I'm skinning the canopy with woodwork that will match the base. Inset panels with a Madrone veneer, cherry framework, and some smaller profile cherry crown molding to cap it off.


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One last small project for the holiday weekend. I built a holder for some tools with a little drip tray at the bottom. Now, I'm cleaning up the filtration room from the latest round and another major cleaning of my shop to prep for the hood.



Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
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What are you gonna do when it's all done, wait.... it will just keep going and going.
Like the energizer bunny!


Nice work bro!


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Thanks Nick. It does seem like it will never end. I'm working on some fish stocking right now. Next will be coral once I'm comfortable with the water quality and stability.

I'm going to start doing ICP testing at Stone Aquatics.

For now...

Here are some pictures of the finished cabinetry on top of the aquarium



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The hood extended out so that I can crawl into the aquarium when needed.

automatic feeder hooked up to the Apex

Lastly for the display hood, this is what it looks like laying on the floor staring up at the lights when the hood is extended.



Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow nice freaking build!!! Not sure what I like more the tank or the fish room. I think the fish room is the best I've seen and I am sure it is better in person lol.


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Woot! its Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Looks pretty amazing man! Congratulations!!! know you have a lot of work in this one. Great all around.


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Hoosier- I’m with you. The back end is way more exciting at this point. Hopefully the front end catches up in the next year.

SynDen- it is alive! Maybe too alive. I’ve been battling some rampant junk that came in on some algeas I ordered online.

I’m slowly getting some fish comfortable. I’m not sure how long it will be before I’m comfortable adding coral.


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Dr S and Chris-

Thanks! It would be great to have things ready to go for Reefstock. We’ll see if it’s ready for coral by then.

I’m glad to have a Tang in the display. I had planned on adding all of the tangs at once but that didn’t work out and I needed to introduce this guy to the display. He’s been hanging in QT for too long. I felt guilty. Hope he plays well with the others when they are introduced.


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Wood work is amazing as was the work in the rest of the room when I saw it! Holy cow, the amount of lighting in that hood man! I know your a bit frustrated bro, but its looking great and coming along. You'll be adding corals in no time! Cant wait to come over and hang when that that thing is rolling full steam!

On another note, if you ever have the inclination and time to do more wood work I need my stand and hood wrapped!!!! I'll pay!!! No pressure, but if interested let me know.


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Thanks for the encouragement Nick.

I have a mud room to finish for my wife. She’s been patiently waiting for the doors on cabinets I built two years ago.

After that, I should have a little free time. What’s that? Free time?

I can stop by and check out what you’re looking at for the stand and hood. I need to see your setup anyway.


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This has been an exciting journey! I can't wait to see what else you continue to do. Looks great!