Aiptasia eating file fish trial


M.A.S.C Club Member
So my last resort to rid my tank of majanos. Today I added an Aiptasia eating file fish. So far he is interested in the majanos, but has not gone after any. I have fed my other fish and so far he is interested in the smaller particulates. I figured I would feed him to make him feel at home. He is friendly with mu clowns, but is showing aggression with my chromis. He is staying around the front right side of my tank (35 gallon nano mixed reef) and not afraid of people. I have some concern that he I hovering over my acans, but the again I am at my last option. I would house my coral with my dad, but these majanos have me crippled, and my dad shouldn't take the chance to save some coral. I will keep posting my results, and some pics as necessary. My base line majanos are some what scued because my better half and I were frustrated and went Joes Juice happy on the ones who were over growing my chalice. Stay tuned...


M.A.S.C Club Member
Further notice, he is going after my snails... Conch, and so far. swimming is actually really interesting, all directions, upside down is the only behavior I have not yet seen, but close.
A sponsor on here had a frag tank full of nice acans wiped out by a filefish and mine eats lps and some zoas like they're candy. Keep an eye on him. I've moved a ton of stuff to my other tank until i can catch the little bugger. He used to eat aptasia but i think corals are tastier to him now.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
I lost every zoa I had to one of those lil...
Fortunately, they're easy to catch, so you'll be able to rehome it when it starts misbehaving. Notice I said 'when' and not 'if'.