APRIL Meeting - ITS FINALLY DBTC TIME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
FishTV;345890 said:
Seth, I'll take 2 sleeves, I'll be at the meeting Saturday. Do you still have frag plugs?
No I no longer make frag plugs as it is not worth the time unless you're making 5k plugs at a time. If you want to get with some people and "group buy" them I can make a batch.

I need to check how many sleves I have. The offer was more of a single sleeve 1-off for him.


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
sethsolomon;345886 said:
I have pee ups for sale here in Fort Collins $5 per 25
Alright I will take that then. Let me know if you're in town so its easier to meet up. I'm by the Cinemark on Harmony and Timberline.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Fricking work! Im gonna have to miss this as ill be in indiana.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Reminder bump, this is 4 weeks away. If your planning on going, and participating, try to get your frags cut this week. The longer they have to heal in your system, the better chance they will have to survive in someone else's. Please don't cut frags the day of the meeting, stick it in a blob of glue, and hope it can survive all that stress along with different water conditions, flow, and lights of a new home.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Man, I'm going to have to miss this one. Scott used to be my roommate in college in 2005 and I introduced him to his first fish tank (LOL! J/K Scott!).
I was his roommate in FOCO and our apartment looked like something out of Jamangi due to his 2x300 reef tanks, multiple 20's and 55's, a 100 gallon planted, etc. Everything in the house was dedicated to the reef tanks - there was more fish food in the fridge than our own and we couldn't use the dishwasher because Scott modified it to be the line for the top off in the living room tanks. We were using 3x the electricity of the average household in FOCO at the time. Can't wait to see your newest installment Scott, sad I'm going to miss it this time!!!


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Here is the start of my list:

Tyree Setosa
Scrambled eggs
Midas Golds
Candy apple pinks
3 variations of christmas monti
wild tricolor


M.A.S.C Club Member
jbuckeye76;346257 said:
First time fragging zoas; Hope all goes well and I can participate!
Dont forget goggles and gloves. Juice in the eye can send you to the hospital.

Mermaid Gardens

M.A.S.C Club Member
Dbtc was my first meeting last year as well.
Frag list:
Rainbow Pocillopora
Candy Cane
People Eaters
Devil's Armor
Green N Browns
Goblin Fire
and probably some others...
still waiting to see how they healed.
I will try and make it.....I get back from work that day so I'm hoping I can make it since this would be my first one to go to....I'm praying I can...


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks to Seth Solomon for cutting up two Fruit Loop zoa frags and a Pastel War and Peace Favia for me to bring.
I will also bring some Starburst monti, Purple Digitata, Orange Digitata, Pink n Gold zoas.


Cleaner Shrimp
All zoas here: wolverines, strawberry lemonade, teal ring, red phe, wows, and goblin fire. A little better of a list then my first dbtc when i only had one sad little brown zoa. Lol


M.A.S.C Club Member
Myself, wife, and baby will be there!