Bartlett Anthias


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thinking about adding 2-3 Bartletts to my 60g cube. Any thoughts or recommendations on these? I only have 4 small chromis an a fire shrimp.

I have a lid (screen) on the top of the tank. I know these guys eat a lot. I skim and will be running a reactor with carbon.

Thoughts on adding these?


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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I really like them...unfortunately I didn't have much luck with them.

Started with 4, then lost 1 to an infection early on. The 3 remaining did well for a while...a male and 2 females. Eventually one of the females turned into a subdominant male, and I now have 1 beat up anthias left. :/

Beautiful fish...but you can add me to the list of people that have had similar experiences. You will want to start with at least 3 IMHO...or the dominant one will stress the other fish too much.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I personally would not put any anthias in anything less than a 4ft tank. They need a deasent amount of room. I have 4 lire tails in my 120g and they are a little fiesty.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow, I just don't remember Anthias being aggressive!! I'm between those and a pair of Wyoming White clowns... It's just hard to spend $80 per on a clownfish. I really would like a flame wrasse or leopard wrasse but I'm concerned my tank isn't established enough to provide pod snacks!

Any other fish ideas for the 60?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
No refugium set up to hold it while the pods populate unfortunately

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M.A.S.C Club Member
I do, but the middle section is only holding some live rock and heater right now and possibly a media reactor in the near future

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M.A.S.C Club Member
It will be running eventually. Planning on a piece of egg crate to separate the middle section- one side for chaeto, the other for equipment such as heaters.

Anyway, any other experience with Anthias or fish recommendations?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
I bought 3 of them from AA 7-8 months ago, and one died within a couple of days. The other two have done well since then, but I lost one last week. During this time, they were always very peaceful, in my under populated 6 foot 105 gal tank.

I would like to pick up another 3 or so, but need to make sure they are all females, and healthy. I don't know how quickly they change, but if I have them in QT for a month or so, I am afraid one might turn into a male, then fight with my current one.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Sounds like the aggression and difficulty with keeping these alive might be more than I'm looking for right now. Thanks for the help everyone

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