Catfish Charlie's Saltwater Shipment for 03/14/13

Catfish Charlie's Tropical Fish
1312 Centaur Village Dr.
Lafayette, CO.
Phone - 303-665-3322
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*****200 gal. size KENT SALT still @ $39.99 !!!*****

Nice Saltwater shipment this week! Here is what we're expecting Thursday 03/14/13!
AND don't forget ...........all new fish and inverts 20% off our regular low prices!

Cream Angels
Eiblii Angels
Starry Blenny's
Tribal Blenny's
Yellowstrpe Maroon Clowns
Tomato Clowns
**Tassel Filefish - Really cool fish!
Bumblebee Wheeleri Gobies
Fiji Yellow Criton Clown Gobies
Engineer Neon Gobies
Orange Spot Prawn Gobies
Twinspot Signal Gobies
Desjardinii Sailfin Tangs
Sm. Orange Shoulder Tangs
Med. Orange Shoulder Tangs
African Cleaner Wrasses
Female Leopard Wrasses
Rainbow Wrasses
Six Line Wrasses
Lawnmower Blenny's
Sm. Blonde Naso Tangs
Med. Blonde Naso Tangs
Slendid Pseudos
Strawberry Purple Pseudos

Caulerpa Prolifera - Fantastic Plant!
Cheatomorphora - Kay-toe plant!
Sm. Horseshoe Crabs - Fantastic sand shifters!
Sea Hares - The best at eating hair algae!
Fire Shrimp
Assorted Soft Nano Corals - Our corals have been coming in GREAT!!
and the BEST Live Brine Shrimp in Colorado!

Also pre-order, pre-paid Premium Live Fiji Rock 50 Lbs. $129.99


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
How many leopards? Cost?