Hello Everyone

I am a newish member to MASC. I am the husband of Lkoechle and figured I should go ahead and create my own account as we are getting ready to go to tomorrows meeting. We were at the annual frag swap back in November of last year I believe. We had a really bad tank crash and lost everything a few months later (it was a 5 gallon pico). We have sense been out of the hobby since our first kid was born and now that he is a little older we are looking to get back into the hobby. Just purchased a used 85 shallow tank and are working on getting all the details sorted out to get it up and running. I am a software engineer and love looking at all the tech in the hobby while my wife is primarily focused on the livestock. Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow.


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M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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:welcome: back to the hobby