How do I remove mushrooms from rock?


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have over thirty Gonzo Golden Dragon from a single one that Seth gave me. So I am curious how do I get them off the rock?

Ask and you may find out, don't ask and you will never know.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
quick and dirty way? smash said rock on concrete soak in 5g bucket tank water, add 5ml iodine and run a carbon reactor on the bucket for few. waaaalaaaaa :lostit:


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well I guess if I need a worse case scenario I could use that tactic. I've heard to try and get under the mushroom and cut the Rick just under it.

Before I did that I would need to know if people would be interested is some mushrooms.

Ask and you may find out, don't ask and you will never know.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I swore no soft coral this go around but i like the look of those would give one a spin on an isolation rock.

If you can take rock out is easiest. If its nice soft rock id try getting under the base and make a shallow cut into rock to kinda slide it off. If firmer, could probably still kinda make a pick straight doen into rock i. A couple spots then lever it out. Sorta like a tree hole.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I will try to get some off this week and see what happens.

Ask and you may find out, don't ask and you will never know.


Staff member
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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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So best way is to take a pair of bone cutters and try to cut/break the rock just under the foot of the mushroom. Easier outside the tank but can be done in the tank too if need be.
Sometimes, if they are crowded on a rock enough, you can press down on them and they will release from the rock, if they do then you will need to place them in a basket with rubble and let them reattach to some rock on their own.
Sctip;653941 said:
Well I guess if I need a worse case scenario I could use that tactic. I've heard to try and get under the mushroom and cut the Rick just under it.

Before I did that I would need to know if people would be interested is some mushrooms.

Ask and you may find out, don't ask and you will never know.
I would be interested. .those are gorgeous

" I need a habit that my job can support. "~Poor Nurse
I removed some common red and purple shrooms by gentle sliding an old laminated ID under the edge and gently dislodged them

" I need a habit that my job can support. "~Poor Nurse


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have two together that I was successful and three others we will see if they attach and survive. I will go in order of who requested one first and move down the list as others survive and attach.

Scchase, you will be first and I have two ready to go. I'll pm you.

Haddonisreef, I'll let you know if one of these survive and attach.

Fritz, same I'll let you know if the other survives and attaches.

I will try to remove some after I see if these survive. Busting up the whole rock just is not an option.

Ask and you may find out, don't ask and you will never know.