Keyland's Tank

I'm just getting back into things after being out for a couple years... I'll just copy and paste my posts from Nano Reef so they're in chronological order:
[HR][/HR]Well, I shouldn't have stopped going to my Aquariums Anonymous meetings; I fell off the wagon.

I've had a few tanks since 2004:
20G High Fish and Softies
33G Long FOWLR
12G Nano Cube

When I moved to Wyoming I told myself "no more aquariums" and made it a whole year. Petco had a 29G starter kit for $69 and I told myself "one little freshwater tank can't hurt, besides it's so much simpler than salt!"

That lasted about a week until I found a 24G aquapod and stand on craigslist... Threw the freshwater setup into the aquapod and made the 29G salty. Stocked it with some fantastic live rock from a local mom & pop shop and got it cycled and ready for livestock.

That lasted about two more weeks until I went to get a 10G tank to use as a sump. Turns out they were having the famous $1 a gallon sale, so like everyone else I bought a 40G breeder. I've always liked the dimensions.

Progress so far:
Painted back glass and drilled for glass-holes overflow. It looks like everyone else is using the super nano, but I already ordered and installed the 700GPH model along with a 3/4" return kit. I guess it'll just be oversized.

Built a stand and canopy which still need a little finishing work.

I almost like it better without the canopy, but we'll see how things go.

Oh yeah, and I stocked it already too.

I love the expression on that little guy. I'm not sure what to call it... Blase?

It's like simultaneously depressed and worried and very serious, like he should be talking about adult onset diabetes or something.

Anyway, upcoming:
T5 lighting should be here tomorrow.

Dry rock from reef cleaners should also be here tomorrow. It'll get mixed with the live rock I have cycled in my 29G.

Maxijet NJ3000 return pump should be here Wednesday.

Local glass shop cut me some baffles for the sump, which should be ready any time. They were actually cheaper than the sheet of acrylic at Menard's, which is a first.

And lastly, here's the freshwater aquapod, in case anyone like that sort of thing. You can see my rainbow 'shark' sticking out of his favorite hole in the fake wood thingy.

[HR][/HR]Got my light fixture and 15 lbs of reef cleaners dry rock today. Things are looking decent so far.

[HR][/HR]Well, it's wet... and pretty hazy. Too bad it takes so long for the dust to settle. It's pretty obvious which rocks came from my other tank and which ones are dry rock. Took a masonry bit and drilled holes in the rocks and used some heavy duty zip ties to keep the main rocks together and then stacked smaller rocks on top of the zip ties to hide them.

Junk box underneath - still needs some work and some doors.

[HR][/HR]I redid my aquascaping today using a trick I found on the interwebs:

Get fiberglass driveway markers from hardware store.
Stack rocks as desired.
Drill Rock with masonry bit sized like the fiberglass rod.
Cut rod to length and put through hole.
No more sloopy bloopy rocks.

I decided to try to make things look a little more natural... I got rid of the obviously fake arch and tried to make the layout asymmetrical but without looking all jumbled up. I couldn't resist one little arch since I love them so much. It looks like this now.

Side view (What I see from the couch):

I also built and installed some doors.


As you can see, I'm reworking the canopy. I decided I wanted to see out the window, and the height of the other one was in case I was going to go with Halides. Chopped 8 inches off and I think it's going to look better when it's done.

Here's my snowflake buddies... I acclimated them all morning. They're so sweet to each other. No biting or chasing, they just bumbled around together all day.

And, just for fun, here's the piece of eggcrate I had over the tank last night.


Butterfly Fish
Nice work on your stand stand! Was that Maple wood (before painting)? Made note of those fiberglass rods, didn't know about the driveway markers.
Dbarnes;191663 said:
Looking good!

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ShelbyJK500;192453 said:
Very to a great start looks like!!
Thank you kindly.

Ghosty;192482 said:
Nice work on your stand stand! Was that Maple wood (before painting)? Made note of those fiberglass rods, didn't know about the driveway markers.
It was actually birch originally, but I didn't take any photos. The birch was too thin and warped too easily so I had to redo it with sanded pine. I was glad to find the fiberglass rod trick too. I can't find the original thread right now, but I used the thicker white rods with the little red reflector up top. They were in Home Depot next to the mailboxes.
And just for fun, I found an old video of my last tank. I had just purchased a GBTA and had it floating in the bag while I got some other stuff ready. Clown was very very very interested to say the least... Couldn't understand what the invisible barrier was that was separating him/her from their precious! This went on for an hour or two until I finally had to get the video because it was too hilarious.


Sadly I did lose this clown back in '08.