Lump on Queen Angel


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey All - Got a beautiful Queen Angel this weekend. It's very active and healthy and eats anything we put in the tank. When we got it, it had a orange/brown lump on its side. The original owner thought it must have gotten nicked when it was netted from her tank. We thought it would clear up in a couple of days. Four days later, the lump is the same or a little worse. We are starting to worry that it is a parasite rather than a cut. Any thoughts about possible causes and treatments?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks like a wound and not a parasite. Let it be and see if it heals on it's own. You can do more damage that good if you try and treat a tank - this does not look like a QT tank. Get it some high quality pellets soaked in Garlic.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I agree with just feeding the fish and keeping the stress low in the new environment.

Keep an eye on it, but I wouldn't be concerned unless the wound opens up or you see signs of sepsis (blood infection)...which will usually present as red streaking starting around the area of the wound and eventually moving like spidery veins showing up on the fish. At that point, it may be necessary to remove the fish and treat with an antibiotic...but that looks like a pretty minor injury.