Modifying an ADHI 30 refugium


M.A.S.C Club Member
Anyone around town does any acrylic modification. I would like to use an existing refugium I have but the first baffle from the skimmer compartment to the refugium compartment is too high and need to cut it down so that I do not need to set my skimmer on some sort of stand bc the inside of my stand is very limiting in terms of height. I would do it myself but I dont want it too look like it is ghetto rigged. I'd rather have it cut like a spillway than a bunch of holes. Thought I would just ask before I drill holes at the level I want the water height to be in the skimmer compartment.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Modifying an ADHI 30 refugium

No idea, but you might be able to use a router to get most of it. I wouldn't use a Dremel personally, but some have had success. You could use some kind of sander, but it would prob clog often. Careful drilling, use a pointed bit. They sell ones specifically for plastics.

GL to you fine sir.

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Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
You could sell the adhi and have dvenson i think make you a custom one for what you sell the 30.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would just use a utility knife (or for much easier cuts a plastic scoring knife, $4 at the Depot) and do it yourself. watch the below video on how to cut it clean. Since you can't lay it flat, it will take you a lot more time to patiently score the cut line for a good/clean break, but it would save you from dragging the sump all over town or replacing it. Also you should score it maybe most of the way through before breaking it off, since you can't leverage/push down on it (such as how this guy does it on his kitchen counter). If you break before scoring enough it will look ghetto or leave a super sharp edge.


Butterfly Fish
Hit up dvenson-Daniel on here, he builds custom acrylic sumps.


Butterfly Fish
Never new ADHI was local, thanks!