New to coral

Hello all - I just joined this group. I have a 75g tank with about a 20g sump, T5 lighting (6 bulbs -blue & white), and have been running a fish only with life rock (FOWLR) tank for about 2 years now (I have about 70 lbs of live rock in the tank). It's time for me to dip my toes into the coral world I think. Just working on temperature control with the T5's in a canopy. Right now tank is running about 79F.

I could use all the help available including any beginner corals available. I would also be interested in making group purchases if possible.

Thanks for having his forum. I look forward to participating in it.


Staff member
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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
B.O.D. Member-at-Large
Where you located at? And what type of corals are you interestedin?


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome! How old are your bulbs? I'm assuming you keep your nitrates and phosphates low. What kind of flow do you have?

What catches your eye? Fleshy? Color? Grows quick? Grows big? Sways in the current? Just trying to get a feel for what you like.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Also be sure and make sure your current fish list will do ok with coral. Would hate for you to make the investment and then find that your favorite fish is a coral eater.


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i have a 750gph powerhead running along with about 750gph (if I remember correctly) running from the 'fuge. So far what catches my eyes are things that sway in the current. Fleshy is good - color is available. I think I want to start with some softies and LPS until I gain of sense of my capabilities!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
On your other thread about DBTC corals, I have a Kenya tree right now. Also have a few things for sale, big zoa colony, acans, ricordia mushroom for free. Let me know if you're interested in anything.


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I suppose it would be easier if I answered all the questions at once :) My bulbs are about a year old - I'll be ordering new ones soon however I haven't been running them 12 hours a day either. I just started doing that and maintaining temp at the same time which I'm happy about. Nitrates and phosphates have always been low - lucky in that department - I think the protein skimmer helps with that!!

I'm in the Lakewood area


M.A.S.C Club Member
Please keep in mind it is against MASC policy to make threads asking for free corals, please see PM that was sent to you after registering at MASC.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome to the club!

PM me (or i ll forget) and i can set you up with a beginner coral or two nothing fancy but i can get you something to help ya start out


M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome to the site.


Cleaner Shrimp
I'd say replace those bulbs, then get going on it!;)

When I first decided to try coral, I also started with leathers mainly. I bought this amazing shelf rock (about 2 feet long, 6" wide, 1"thick) with 6-8 devils hand leathers on it, all in a row across the leading edge. Other then that, I had green star polyps, numerous green and red and blue mushrooms, 3-5 anemones with either Clowns or Porcelain crabs (depending on which anemone), Plus I actually did quite well with a green flowerpot I kept high in the tank. I kinda miss the Anemones, as they were very cool. However with my current SPS/LPS setup, I don't want anemones running around killing anything. I DO have a nasty little (7" across) rock anemone which has planted himself in a specific hole in a specific rock, never to move again (about 6 years now). Although he has an affinity for eating tangs, he's otherwise been pretty OK-ish.:confused: (I LOVE the rock he's in)!

The remnants of my softy days are:

That Rock Anemone.

Some pulsing Pompom Xenia on a "nifty" piece of base rock, (waving hands on a cave-y base rock).

and I'm up to seven separate Cabbage?? leathers. Three on rocks I'm keeping, two on the plug they came on (largest), and two which were semi-free floating (holding a few sand chunks) which I rubber banded to a piece of dead coral last week so it could attach to something a bit heavier..

I would likely be willing to part with this leather, and the Pompom Xenia for "cheap". lol

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Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I know a guy with a very similar setup as yours, he can keep anything he wants! Those bulbs do need changing, the price is outrageous to change them all isn't it? Have you been to this site yet? You might want to bookmark it if you're sticking with T5. Otherwise, you can change your lighting now and avoid bulb changes, I'm alluding to LEDs. ReefKoi sells some great units (not bad on your wallet either as compared to others anyways). GL on your quest.