Popular Aquarium Acronyms


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would like to use this thread to post up popular aquarium acronyms, that we will then make a sticky and have at the top of this page. This way any new members who join can know what the heck we are all talking about. I will leave this thread unlocked, but will edit/delete posts to reflect additional acronyms that I missed as to keep this as uncluttered as possible!


M.A.S.C Club Member
AC = Activated Carbon
ACjr = Aqua Controller Jr.
Acro = Acropora
AFK = Away From Keyboard
AGA = All Glass Aquarium
ALK = Alkalinity
ATC = Automatic Temperature Control
ATO = Automatic Top Off
ATS = Algae Turf Scrubber
BB = Bare Bottom
BBS = Baby Brine Shrimp
BGA = Blue Green Algae
BOD = Board of Directors
BRB = Be Right Back
BS = Brine Shrimp
BTA = Bubble Tip Anemone
BTW = By the way
C = Periodic Table symbol for carbon
Ca = Periodic Table symbol for calcium
Ca2+ = Calcium Ion
CaCl2 = Calcium Chloride
CaCO3 = Calcium Carbonate
Ca(OH)2 = Chemical symbol for Calcium Hydroxide (Kalkwasser)
CB = Captive Bred
CC = Crushed Coral
cc = Cubic Centimeter
CC = Counter Current (type of skimmer)
CFL = Compact Flourescent Lamp
Cl = Periodic Table symbol for chlorine
Cl- = Chloride
CO2 = Chemical symbol for Carbon Dioxide
CO3 - Carbonate
CR = Calcium Reactor
CRI = Color Rendering Index
CSL = Custom Sea Life (former lighting manufacturer now Current USA)
Cu = Periodic Table symbol for Copper
CUC = Clean up crew
Cyano = Cyanobacteria (Slime algaes)
DARC = Denver Area Reef Club
DBTC = Don't Break the Chain
DI = Deionization
DIY = Do It Yourself
dKH = Degrees of Carbonate Hardenss (measurement of Alkalinity)
DO = Dissolved Oxygen
DOC = Dissolved Organic Compounds
DSB = Deep Sand Bed
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FO = Fish Only
FOWLR = Fish Only With Live Rock
FWIW = For what it's worth
Frag = Fragment of coral
FS = For Sale
FS = Frag Swap
FTS = Full Tank Shot
FW = Freshwater
G = Gallon/s
GAC = Granular Activated Carbon
Gal = Gallon/s
GB = Group Buy
GFO = Granualr Ferric Oxide
GFCI = Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor
GJ = Good Job
GL = Gallon/s
GPD = Gallons Per Day
GPH = Gallons Per Hour
GPM = Gallons Per Minute
GSP = Green Star Polyps
H = Periodic Table symbol for hydrogen
H+ = Hydrogen Ion
H20 = Water
HCO3- = Bicarbonate ion or Hydrogen Carbonate
HID = High Intensity Discharge
HO = High Output
HOB = Hang On Back
HOT = Hang On Tank
HQI = Mercury (Hg) Quartz Iodide
HTH = Hope This Helps
IME = In My Experience
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IMPO = In My Personal Opinion
IO = Instant Ocean
IR = Infrared
IRL = In Real Life
IW = In Wall
JME = Just my experience
JMO = Just my opinion
j/j or jj = Just Joking
j/k or jk = Just Kidding
Kalk = Kalkwasser
KH = Carbonate Hardness
KS = Kalk Stirrer
KW = Kalkwasser
LED = Light Emitting Diode
LFS = Local Fish Store
LMAO = Laughing my a$$ off
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
LPH = Liters Per Hour
LPS = Large Polyped Stony/Scleractinia
LR = Live Rock
LS = Live Sand
LSB = Live Sand Bed
LTB = Looking To Buy
MASC = Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado
MACNA = Marine Aquarium Conference of North America
MBI = Marine Breeders Initiative
Milli/Mille = Acropora millepora
MD = Marine Depot
Meq/L = Milli-Equivalents Per Litre
Mg = Magnesium
MG = Milligrams
MG/L = Milligrams Per Litre
mL = Milliliters
MH = Metal Halide
MO = Mail Order
N = Periodic Table symbol for Nitrogen
NaCl = Sodium Chloride
NaCO3 = Sodium Carbonate
NaHCO3 = Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
NaOH = Sodium Hydroxide
NH3 = Ammonia
NH4+ = Ammonium
NO = Normal Output
NO2 = Nitrite
NO3 = Nitrate
NSW = Natural Sea Water
O/O2 = Oxygen
O3 = Ozone
ORA = Oceans Reefs and Aquariums
ORP = Oxidation Reduction Potential
PC = Power Compact
PE = Polyp Extension
PE = Piscene Energetics (brand of frozen mysis shrimp)
PH = Power Head
pH = Potential Hydrogen (measure of Acid/Base/concentration of hydrogen ions)
PM = Private Message
PO4 = Phosphate
Pods = Copepods
PPM = Parts Per Million
PPT = Parts Per Thousand
PS = Protein Skimmer
PVC = Poly Vinyl Chloride
QT = Quarantine Tank
R2R = Reef 2 Reef
RC = Reef Central
RK = Reef Keeping Magazine
RK = Reef Keeper
RKL = Reef Keeper Light
RO = Reverse Osmosis
RO/DI or RODI = Reverse Osmosis/Deionized
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
POFLMAO = Rolling on floor laughing my a$$ off
RR = Reef Ready
RS = Reef Stock
RS = Red Sea
RSM = Red Sea Max
RTN = Rapid Tissue Necrosis
SCMAS = Southern Colorado Marine Aquarium Society
SG = Specific Gravity
SPS = Small Polyped Stony/Scleractinia
SSb = Shallow Sand Bed
STN = Slow Tissue Necrosis
SW = Saltwater
TB = Tank Bred
TBD = To Be Determined
TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
TFC = Thin Film Composite
THX or thx = Thanks
TR = Tank Raised
TTYL = Talk to you later
UGF = Under Gravel Filter
UV = Ultra Violet
VHO = Very High Output
W = Watts
WC = Water Change
WC = Wild Caught
WD = Wet Dry
WPG = Watts per Gallon
WTB = Want to buy
WTS = Want to sell
WQ = Water Quality
YGPM = You've got a private message


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey Jon....stop typing so damned fast ;)
since you have so many acronyms and I'm sure more will be added, maybe the sticky could be the alphabet (A-Z) with each letter being a hyperlink to another thread. That way the new user could just click on a letter and go straight to the definitions of the letter "R", etc.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I like that and it will be less messy and we can then add the threads to the Archive/Article forums that we will be creating, I just wish that it wouldnt open the link in another window


Butterfly Fish
all in one page may be nice though for searching. just a thought

either way nice to have


M.A.S.C Club Member
If it's going to jump you to different windows I personally would rather have it all on one page??

Just do


then everything that corresponds with A underneath it.

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Acronym list
.02 - My two cents

A - Amp
AA - Amino Acid
ABT - Atlantic blue Tang
AC - Activated Carbon
AC - Alternating Current
Acan Lord – Acanthastrea
Acro- Acropora coral
AEFW – Acropora (Acro) Eating Flatworms
AGA - All-Glass Aquarium
AIO – all in one
Alk - Alkalinity
ATO - Auto Top Off
ATS - Algae Turf Scrubber

BA - Bubble algae
BB - Bare Bottom
Blasto – Blastomussa
BRS – bulk reef supplies (online store)
BTU - British Thermal Unit

Ca - Calcium
CBB - Copper Band Butterfly
CC - Counter Current
CC - Crushed Coral
CFL - Compact Fluorescent Lamp
CL - Closed Loop
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
Cu - Copper
CUC - Clean Up Crew
CWC - continuos water change
Cyano – Cyanobacteria

DC - Direct Current
DD - Downdraft
DE - Double Ended
DFS - Drs. Foster and Smith
DI – Deionization
DI water – deionized water
DIY - Do It Yourself
dKh - German Degrees of Hardness
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
DOC - Dissolved Organic Carbon
DSB - Deep Sand Bed
DT - display tank

ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival.

FO - Fish Only
FOWLR - Fish Only With Live Rock
Frag - Fragment (a small part of a coral colony removed in order to grow another colony)
FTS - Full Tank Shot
FTW- for the win
Fuge = refugium
FW - Freshwater
FWE=Flat Worm Exit
FWIW-For what its worth

G- Gallon (ex. 60g)
GAC - Granular Activated Carbo
GBTA – Green Bubble Tip anemone
GFCI - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
GFI - Ground Fault Interrupter
GFO - Granular Ferric Oxide
GHA - Green Hair Algae
GPD - Gallons Per Day
GPH - Gallons Per Hour
GSM-Gold Strip Maroon Clownfish
GSP - Green Star Polyps

HA - Hair Algae
HID – High intensity discharge
HO - High Output
HOB - Hang On Back
HOT - Hang On Tank
HTH = Hope that helps
HQI – Hardest question is
HQI - Mercury (Hg) Quartz Iodide

IME - In my experience
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IMO- In my opinion
IO - Instant Ocean
IR - Infrared
IW - In Wall

K - Kelvin
kWh - Kilowatt-Hour

L – Liters
LED – light emitting diodes
LFS – local fish store
LMK – let me know
Lobo – Lobophyllia
LOL - Laugh out loud.
LPS –Large polyp stony have large and soft polyps
LR - Live Rock
LS - Live Sand
LTA - Long Tentacle Anemone

MASC- Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado
MACNA - Marine Aquaria Conference of North America
MASNA - Marine Aquarium Societies of North America
meq/L - Micro-equalities per Liter
Mg or Mag - Magnesium
MH - Metal Halide light
Milli - Acropora Millipora
MJ – Maxijet

Nems- anemones
NH3 - Ammonia
NNR - Natural Nitrate Reduction
NO - Normal Output
NO2 - Nitrite
NO3 - Nitrate
NPS - Non Photosynthetic

O2 – Oxygen
ORA- oceans, reefs, and aquariums
ORP - Oxygen Redox Potential

P04 – Phosphate
PAR - Photosynthetic Active Radiation
PBT-Powder Blue Tang
PC - Power Compact
POTM - Picture of the month
PP - per polyp
PPM - Parts Per Million
PPT - Parts Per Thousand
PVC - Poly Vinyl Chloride

QT - Quarantine Tank

RBTA - Rose Bubble tip anemone
RC - Reef Crystals
RDSB - Remote Deep Sand Bed
Rics – Ricordia
RO water – reverse osmosis water
RODI - Reverse Osmosis, Deionization
ROTFLMBO - Roll on the floor laughing my butt off
RR - Reef Ready
RTN - Rapid Tissue Necrosis

SE - Single Ended
SG - Specific Gravity
Shrooms – Mushrooms
SPS - small polyp stony –branch out or plate and have small polyps
SSB - Shallow Sand Bed
STN - Slow Tissue Necrosis
SW - Salt Water / Sea Water

TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
TFC - Thin Film Composite
TIA = Thanks in advance
TMI - Too much information
TOTM - Tank of the month
Trachy – Trachyphyllia

ULNS - Ultra Low Nutrient System
UV - Ultra Violet

V - Volt
VHO - Very High Output (fluorescent light)

W - Watts
WC - Water Change
Wellso – Wellsophyllia
WYSIWUG - what you see is what you get

YGPM - You've Got Private Message
YWG-Yellow Watchman Goby

Z&P - Zoanthids and palythoa
Zoa - Zoanthid Coral


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
thanks MSwift for refreshing that, I hadn't seen it before and boy does that help! No more googling letters and acronyms!