Post your finding nemo pics


M.A.S.C Club Member
I know that many of us started this hobby as a result of the movie finding nemo. At the very least some of us have bought fish seen in that movie to make the little ones or the wifey happy. Post up your pics that relate to the movie. I'll start with my Jaques, nemo, marvin, and Dori pic.

Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe and not make messes in the house. -robert heinlein
When I worked at petco for a couple months, that movie just came out. It was freaking hilarious and horrific at the same time to turn away so many people that wanted a nemo and a dori for there .. fishbowl! Some didn't know you needed salt... Just saying. Another reason I am glad you MASC folk are around to straighten errbody up. you guys should be in all the stores laying out the truth saving nemos from fishbowls.

I have better but this one makes me laugh every time.

Its like shes saying: MINE