Sneaking back after 3 years 150g cube


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Great looking build! I have been searching for a good apex cabinet, which Ikea one is that?

Glad to see the return I was thinking same as @Haddonisreef
I am sure you already did, but don't forget to drill a back-siphon preventer on your return!

What breed is the little guy? too cute!

Yup got the siphon break drilled in the emergency overflow.

She is a Shepherd Corgi mix.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm also curious about which IKEA cabinet that is. Looking for something similar. Cool pup. And build is looking awesome!


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Got some of the rockwork into the tank with sand. I have some liverock that I have not tested with yet. I will play with those once there is saltwater in the tank and it's heating.



Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
And got my 10g tank drilled and a mini stand made for it. As well as rearranged my sump again to maximize the space. Also installed bulkheads and tap lines for my dosing containers.



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Cute lil pup! Love him

And its WET!!!! Nice!