Yuma is shriveled...Please help


Cleaner Shrimp

I have a few extremely beautiful Yuma riccordia mushrooms and they are beginning to shrivel. The calcium is high, but the nitrates, nitrites, and alkalinity are all on par.

I got the Yuma's two weeks ago and placed them in my nano. I have a kiss 360 light on an 8 gallon nano. They are under low flow and under the "least" light I could get them under.

Any advice is much appreciated.



Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
What are your parameters of your tank? On par for some are not the same for others.

Mine do go through a period of time where they shrivel up and bounce back. What kind of lights were they under prior to your tank? It could be them acclimating to LEDs instead of T5s or MHs. Just shooting something things to think about.

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