Garage sale - free stuff


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Moving to foco tomorrow and id other wise throw this stuff out but I figured someone else may be able to use them!

Plastic model kits. Free.

A fun kids game called duck hunt! (Projects ducks on the wall that move and you have to shoot). Free.

Boogie board from Florida. And decorative paddles. Free.

Fishing waiters boots. Size 12. Only used once. $20 or free if you can't afford that. (I also have fleece pants that go under the waiters for free, size L)

Jarjar binks blow up kids chair (this thing Is a lot of fun as a kid).

Will add more that come. Give to your kids or keep for yourself. All I ask is you pick it up today or hold it for pick up on Sunday. Located in Erie.