starting a biocube with new sand, what should I use?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I am getting a bio cube here hopefully soon (trade from blazinjack) and I am not sure what sand to use. I have found just a standard white sand that I am considering, it is about $7 per 10lb bag (here is the link: )

Now do you think that 40lbs would cover a BC29 of should I do more? I am not sure how much to put in a cube, so I would take input on that.

Also, is this sand a decent choice? Or is there a different sand that all you guys use for your tanks that you have had great luck with?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yea, I think 2 bags will be plenty. I overdid it on my tank and had to siphon and scoop some out after adding the rock...not fun.

As an aside...what's up with the "sand turd" pic in the link? haha


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I didn't even put in 1 full 20# bag. I probably put in about 17#. 2 bags will be more than enough unless you want a really deep sand bed.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well that makes me feel better that I won't be spending so much on sand, thanks guys for letting me know, and blazinjack, I will send you a text later tonight when I'm off work and we can try to find a day. Next week is looking better for me to pick up the tank.