Happy People Eater's


M.A.S.C Club Member
They may be a type of paly that deals with low tides on a regular basis and is used to being out of the water. Those are the hardy corals. I have seen miles of healthy reef exposed for hours to 100+ degree F sun and thrive in those conditions in low tide. Its pretty dang awsome! Considering I turn into a blistering mess and I'm built to live out of the water.


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Mine have been responsive. My YWG was picking up sand all around them and dumping it on them the other day, they closed up of course. Then when I was moving a rock, and set it over them, they closed up as well.

I think we got pretty lucky with no melt's at all, everything I have read, it is usually used to ship colony's across the world and they have 5 polyps die, but out of a colony of 100, thats nothing. Here in the US though, we have those nice little flat rate shipping boxes, so its easier and safer and the same cost to just ship them in water. But shipping over sea's is different.


M.A.S.C Club Member

Hurrafreak 2
Adam 3
only these left here but all are still spoken for awaiting pick up
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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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I still wAnt em just be busy. I'll call ya to set up details Daniel.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Have any extras?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Less LOL
If they are selling that many, they are probably extremely fast growers. Maybe even faster than space monsters hehe