SteveT's Photo Contest


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
That hammer and scoly are sweet.


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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow! Kris, that looks like something that would be in a magazine!!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think you should do 2 classes, point and shoot then DSLR. Some of us dot have the fancy cameras where we can control all the settings. I can understand you not wanting to do 2 classes and 1 winner in each. That's a lot of work to verify who used what camera.


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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Drew, quality photos can be taken with point and shoots as well. I have seen some amazing photos taken with them. Look at Kalgras photos, he is using a point and shoot. As a matter of fact I believe Gonzo uses a point and shoot as well.

Heck here is a thread with great cameraphone pics:

and a iphone thread:

The only real advantage that DSLR's have over point in shoots in a web viewing setting is aperture. If you take the time to learn your camera, adjust your lighting and spend time setting up your shot any camera can take good photos. Also, post processing is almost as important these days as the shot itself. If you don't have post processing software you can always download GIMP, its powerful and free. You can always white balance, sharpen, adjust tone and colors, heck just about whatever you want to do with your photo in post processing.

Just because people have a DSLR does not mean that taking pictures are any easier for them then someone who shoots with a point and shoot. I literately spent hours today and took over 100 photos to come up with that one shot. It actually took me almost 45 mintues setting up the shot before I even turned on the camera (setting up the lighting, turning off pumps, adjusting room lighting, etc). Then after I finally got a shot that I was satisfied with I spent another couple hours post processing it. I am by no means a professional but I do enjoy photography and enjoy spending the time to produce the best shots I can. It also helps to have a basic understanding of photography principles. A great resource can be found here if interested:

I just hope you understand that its not because my camera is a DSLR that I am able to get shots like that, its because I spent a lot of time setting up my shot to get the best possible outcome I could. I guarentee if you spent a few hours setting up your shot, taking a hundred or so photos of the same thing, adjusting your camera's settings along the way and finishing your best shot in post processing you would probably blow my picture out of the water!!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Kris, I'll give GIMP a try. I've never done any post processing. Just posted what comes right from the camera.


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