Wtb zss n pss also chalice frags


M.A.S.C Club Member
let start with what do you have and we can make offers if you dont already have it


M.A.S.C Club Member
I am apparently just a NOOB what the heck is a ZSS and PSS?

Mini T

Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
What r u looking for young blood? You have red devils yet?
ok lookin for Shazams ,campfires, paradise, pirate booty, blue agave, anything highend.
i already have
3 polyp candy apple
6 polyps plus 3 babies
3space monsters
5 polyp chong bong
5 polyp Chong bong
6 polyp tutiiy fruity
10 heads Mohawks
12 heads candy apple reds
13 heads of Mary janes
13 heads wow play
5 heads wow
11 heads Chong bong
9 Purple hornets
22 purple hornet
25 purple hornets
Pink tube en huge
30 head keed reds
200 pluss kedd reds on a rock
6 heads Frog spawn
15 kedd reds
Clam 5 inches
3 head Hammers
2 head hammers
18 head Duncans
10 Purple deaths
Tripen magicians
Fire and ice
*7 rose Nebs
60 *plus polyps marleys
1 Capt America
2 Gobb stoppers
10 gob stopper $
Apple jax 20 plus polyps
2 polyps apple jax $
Poison fury 4 polyp
12 plus polyp poison fury
Alpha n omega
5 polyp 24k $60*
50 Pink n golds $100
Ninja turtles
Phe *
True red people eaters
2 phe
15 maybey plus polyps Sunny d's
26 sunny d's .
1 true red people eater sold young reef
35 24k $.
3 polyp space monster \
12 Sunkist
40 plus Green people eater on a rock
3 true red people eaters
3 magicians
90 plus polyps La lakers
psycho trippin
Green polyps 25 Pink polyps
25 Pink black eyes
10 Fake blue hornets
50 plusBrown yellow zoas
Purple polyp birds nest big
4 big heads Green tip hammers
2 huge 8 x 8 n 6x6 hairy mushroom
45 Eagle eyes
40 eagle eyes
30 eagle eyes
Snow white Cloves


M.A.S.C Club Member
I am growing out some Jason fox bloods shots but that will be awhile just got them

I also have a 3 eye frag of Bazooka Joe chalice

Mini T

Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Poinsettias, zombies, Red devils, orange explosions, blue supernovas, dark matter pe, red devil pe, cherry charms, oompa loompa, 5 color rainbows, ultra candy apples, blueberry fields forever, wild baboons, embers, flaming suns, nightmares, blue steels, laser lemons, rastas, manderin, kronos, tequila sunrise and others not on your list. I'd have to double check the names on the ones I can't remember.


dvenson;117446 said:
I am growing out some Jason fox bloods shots but that will be awhile just got them

I also have a 3 eye frag of Bazooka Joe chalice
Are we still on for our trade?


rose nebula
soul snatcher
bleeding hearts
crazy ladies
scrambled eggs
serene nova 2
utter chaos
fizzy lizzy
yellowjackets(real ones on BC)
emerald on fire

to add to brents list. Also have the paradise but since no one has them and no one is selling them they are currently not for sale. if you are truely interested work it out with brent and he will tell me what to cut.

are the crazy ladies arnageddons??????? or just crazii ladies???? n what in the world is a scrambled eggs zoas any pics lol

intersted in
soul snatcher
bleeding hearts
serene nova 2
fizzy lizzy
yellowjackets(real ones on BC)
let me know

Mini T

Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Damn, Youngblood, you really want to drop this much coin?


YOUNGBLOOD;117472 said:
ahhh ok let me know prices from there ill trim the ones ill just get later on from u guy......lmk
will do. hitting the sack now, will see what I can cut tomorrow and shoot you a price. pm me your cell if you want that way I can just text you.
