Emergency help


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Had a valve go out today and the replacement is a different fitting smh. Had to pvc glue the replacement but am not linked to the sump without that. How long do I need to wait before I can flow again. Pvc cement was applied roughly 30min ago. I have read mixed things.

Anyone have an emergency glue repair on the fly?


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Ya, need to wait a minimum of 24 hrs for the pvc cement to mostly cure. 48 hr is better for full cure if you can wait some.
Either way in the mean time just make sure you have some flow going in the main tank and you'll be fine.

Not the end of the world if the return isnt running for a day or 2 as long as you have other flow in the tank. Just make sure you got some surface agitation which will ensure the tank doesnt build up excess co2.


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I was able to get it flowing @Dr.DiSilicate came in with a save got it rolling last night. I will get a valve back on it tonight. Was able to take my time and mock it up so it will go right in. All will be back to normal tomorrow. I am so very lucky to have all of yall I was literally at a loss last night. On how lol but with the community help came out on top.