Fall DBTC and MASC Meeting


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Whomever got the gonzo golden dragon shrooms. I realize they are small. Only ones I could get off. Should be fine though, but in the instance of melting lmk I can give you another
I got one, doing good so far! Thanks, tiny but looks like its bright.


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The Golden dragons stay the smallest of any shroom I have ever seen


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks for hosting, Scott! Was great to see everyone....

I dipped everything in revive as soon as I got home...can't wait for the lights to come on so I can see all the pretty colors!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks for hosting the meet ! Was a good swap...

However.... Not sure what happened, but I got home, dipped all my new frags in revive, and put them in the tank... All softies and lps opened right up, but all the sps I received were dead by the next morning.. all completely white and no tissue left..strange.. everything else is fine, all my other sps are happy and thriving.. I'm thinking maybe the revive killed em but I've never had an issue with revive ever... It was even a new bottle..


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Thanks for hosting the meet ! Was a good swap...

However.... Not sure what happened, but I got home, dipped all my new frags in revive, and put them in the tank... All softies and lps opened right up, but all the sps I received were dead by the next morning.. all completely white and no tissue left..strange.. everything else is fine, all my other sps are happy and thriving.. I'm thinking maybe the revive killed em but I've never had an issue with revive ever... It was even a new bottle..
I don't know if Revive dates their bottles, but if they do what is the date on the bottle. Was there anything else that you did differently? They were all in the same cooler I take it? That really sucks though.


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I stopped using Revive years ago for the same reason, pretty harsh stuff, I like Bayer much better, don't worry Fred I got you
Thanks for hosting the meet ! Was a good swap...

However.... Not sure what happened, but I got home, dipped all my new frags in revive, and put them in the tank... All softies and lps opened right up, but all the sps I received were dead by the next morning.. all completely white and no tissue left..strange.. everything else is fine, all my other sps are happy and thriving.. I'm thinking maybe the revive killed em but I've never had an issue with revive ever... It was even a new bottle..
Sadly the same happened to me. I'm tossing my revive, it's a new bottle. Zoas are fine but my Hawkins, greg miller, mystic sunset, Bloody Mary, Jedi are all bleach white. They all looked great before dip, stressed the next and gone today. The tubbs monti is completely fine thou, don't know why but I'm happy it's alive. Everything else that was in the tank previously is doing great so I am almost certain revive is no good on acros and montis.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
ya ya, i should have used the bayer... didnt have any, only a new bottle of revive. I gotta make a trip to home depot this weekend for plumbing for another tank so ill grab some bayer.


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Had to buy Bayer at Lowes last time I got it Home Depot didn't have it anymore, good thing I bought 5 bottles


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Looks like the corals that didn't survive the Revive dips were from a variety of sources (aka not all one person) so leads me to conclude it is the revive.
Update: Hawkins is a total loss but the 3 montis have faint base color. I'm hoping they pull through.

This bottle of revive makes my eyes water opening it, it smells like concentrated floor cleaner, citrus flavor. I'll keep it for zoas since that works, never for anything Stoney.


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Wouldn't surprise me if the Montis make it, I had orange digitata live under another acro for almost 8 years before I lost the acro and found the monti underneath it.