so munch is good for tomorrow or any day any time, cdrewferd wants 6 o clock so I can do 6:20 park meadows mall drop off for you two. that will work for you guys but I need to coordinate with everyone else.
hyundai sante fe like a small suv making sure again im meeting bumble bee Munch and cdrewferd at the PF changs restuarant at 6:20 Pm by the park meadows mall?
Andrew if you do get some larger replacement once from the vendor let me know .
Edward mentioned that they were pretty small and maybe just good fish food in his reef .
I know how tough it is when ordering through the mail though and thanks for group order and delivery
yeh i talked to him about it the lowest I can order is 15 and it's really expensive. Id have to split up cost. It really makes me mad that this guy ripped me off and lied to me. Im sorry they were small, And i hope they grow fast and do good. would like some feedback from you guys when you can, negative or positive