¡RP's 250 build!


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Me too.

I've been reading WWM feverishly trying to find the best dosing schedule. It seems to vary from time to time, maybe CP strength variations? Anyway, gonna call the Dr. today too find out the latest dosing info. There seems to be contradiction on its photosensitivity, the doc believes that its not, Bob G swears that it is. Best WWM answer I found, photo exposure accelerates decomposition. That doesn't say anything about half life, could be 24 hours (as previously stated) or an eon. I'm sure Dr fishman can clear the air, if only I could get a hold of him..


M.A.S.C Club Member
Jaime...posted some of what the DR mentioned to me in the other thread...before he went AWOL on you to combat a new super ich strain in the andromeda galaxy with tomonts bigger than school buses...but I wonder if you want to double the disease recommended dose of whatever regimen you follow when the Ich cycles again, since your batch is past expiration thus may have lost potency...since he (and lots of others) say you can't OD fish on CP.

Also in my multi-hundred (well thousand) dollar "investment" in understanding ich progression I have always seen that the returns with fury almost exactly on the clock of the Ich lifecycle. So I just suggest you hold steady on whatever dose you're using for a 2-4 week minimum (again whatever regimen you decide to follow). Some of the spot-free condition you observe is likely because the Ich is in its cyst stage (ie meds can't shake a finger at it), and will emerge from the cyst stage and be free swimmers with fury at least for one more cycle in your system. THAT's when you will wreak carnage on their assess...since the free swimmers will get kiboshed by the CP...

Lifecycle depends on the Ich strain and temperature. I don't recall exactly but seems mine was exactly 14 days at about 82F temp.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: ¡RP's 250 build!

daverf;235075 said:
Jaime...posted some of what the DR mentioned to me in the other thread...before he went AWOL on you to combat a new super ich strain in the andromeda galaxy with tomonts bigger than school buses...but I wonder if you want to double the disease recommended dose of whatever regimen you follow when the Ich cycles again


M.A.S.C Club Member
H2O_intolerant;235243 said:
Doing the WWM thing.
ROFLOL on that one. Nice! Better watch it or I'll tell Crew@WWM you are infringing on their trademarks.

Well that is good to know on BobF OD concerns.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Sure, why not.

H2O_intolerant;235442 said:
Lol, it's actually pretty nifty. You should try it.
JMO...but...Bob is the coolest thing to ever happen to the hobby...well...besides the fish and coral part...


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: ¡RP's 250 build!

I subscribe to the BobF school of thought, sometimes (almost always) he contradicts the "old sages" of the interwebz. One example, an RC sticky on hypo by Sk8r, the cliff notes; BobF suggests running Cu and hypo concurrently, Sk8r urges you to not mix hypo and Cu.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I only treated the tank for two weeks, then I stopped adding CP after a water change. Waited until after a month to turn the lights and skimmer back on. Haven't had any issues with ich since.

Tank has been on auto pilot since then, thanks ReefAngel, auto-feeder, and last but not least Vince.

With the tank doing good on auto-pilot, I got to thinking about the great outdoors and how much I haven't taken advantage of it. So, the tank must go. I'll start a selling thread sometime.

I think I'll prob think about starting another once the winter months set it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
thanks for the update Jaime. Whawt are you doing auto-pilot wise? I may not be far behind you, got my hands full with life. Want to see if I'm missing any automation ideas to get the little maintenance i do now to a lower minimum.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
ialtalal;245038 said:
Oh noo really

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Yessir, I got the summer time blues

daverf;245066 said:
thanks for the update Jaime. What are you doing auto-pilot wise? I may not be far behind you, got my hands full with life. Want to see if I'm missing any automation ideas to get the little maintenance i do now to a lower minimum.
I have the controller doing lights, and filtration (Skimmer/reactors), I got the an auto-feeder doing dry foods, and a maintenance company doing the w/c. I feel that the "auto w/c" may be the best part of the whole ordeal. It's really easy doing a w/c, but not doing them at all is nice. Nori and frozen are fed when I get around to it, only 5 fish in the tank is light bioload.

I'm actually getting into bow hunting. We're joining a 3D league to get the yardage estimates down.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: ¡RP's 250 build!


You're supposed to get it on auto pilot so you can get outdoors...not sell it! :p


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
¡RP's 250 build!

You've gone thru all that hard work to sell it? Come on man! You'll regret it if you sell it.

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According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: ¡RP's 250 build!

I hate that you're more interested in sticking things with thin rods than you are in hanging with us fish geeks.

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk 2


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: ¡RP's 250 build!

H2O_intolerant;245200 said:
I can still hang. And don't worry, I'll share the meat
Shutting my mouth before I get kicked out

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