Board Elections - nominations thread


M.A.S.C Club Member
Denvercherub;107063 said:
under the desk in a dress...
What? I was suspose to wait for a "title"??? gots some explainin to do!!!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Boogie;107065 said:
What? I was suspose to wait for a "title"??? gots some explainin to do!!!!
i guess he does ...if it wasnt a 3sum then jon is gonna be ****ed


M.A.S.C Club Member
dv3;106886 said:
im sure this is the wrong place but you know me ...can we make sure who ever is responsible for meeting minutes actually does it this time!
juan i know you tried to do it last time but really it shouldn't be the presidents responsibility ...should it ?
All of the "normal" duties of each position are in the bylaws which are on the FAQ page. The secretary is the one who is supposed to do all of the meeting minutes for everything. That, and any other "legal" paperwork filing, and pitching in where we need ya.

dv3;106949 said:
damn is i da best writter u kin find?

before i can accept,so that i could i be sure to dedicate the time needed, i would like to know how many BOD meetings a year would likely be scheduled say north of elite and also how many club meetings would be nice to know as well.....and could we have a little detail as to what is expected from each BOD member i know juan said every one chips in on what they can but is there a more formal list of "duties"
I can only answer this question hypothetically as things change as the year goes on. We normally try and do 11 meetings a year. 11 because we don't normally have a meeting during the month of Reefstock, only so that we can push as many people to Reefstock as possible. From there we try and alternate between north meetings (greeley, fort collins, longmont) and south meetings (Denver area). So 6 or 7 for either region. We also normally have a BOD meeting before each society meeting, sometimes an emergency meeting or two in between society meetings. But that isn't the only thing that might take up your "free" time. You still have to do the duties of the position and pitch in where the rest of the board needs ya.


scchase - member at large
jonthefb - secretary

Pisces II - member at large
boogie - secretary
dv3 - secretary
thejrc - member at large
dvenson - member at large/treasurer
hurrafreak - president
Wicked Demon - Vice President
djkms - member at large
ummfish - member at large
chrislorentz - member at large
Amonchak - treasurer


zooid - member at large
mikejrice - member at large


M.A.S.C Club Member
i second scchase as a large member

do large members have less responsibility or time commitments than other board members?


M.A.S.C Club Member
There is no way in hell I have time to get involved on the board. Thanks for the nomination and second I just simply do not have time to add anything else to my schedule.


M.A.S.C Club Member
dv3;107144 said:
i second scchase as a large member

do large members have less responsibility or time commitments than other board members?
Time commitment is the same for all BOD members. Responsibility................normally we all try and help each other out. I mean, like I said earlier the treasurer, secretary, etc all have certain things they do at meetings and such but I don't know how much "more" time that would add to their commitment compared to anybody else.

I'm not trying to scare anybody, I'm just trying to be honest. We lost many BOD members this last term, some because they didn't know how much time it was actually going to be that they needed to commit. I mean, we aren't going to kill ya if you miss a meeting or two you know, we all have lives. But it is expected that if you accept nomination that you understand the commitment it will indeed take.

The other thing keeping myself, and I'm sure a few of the other BOD members that are serving, from commiting to anything for the next term are what we notice around here on the board, and some things we notice while talking to other members. This job is a tough job, and is very fruitless. People are VERY quick to judge anything we do, even though we proved time and time again we could come up with cool ideas or have cool meetings. Some people are very quick to jump down our throats for the littlest or dumbest things. But not even in a private way, out in the open before EVER coming to us with any concerns. It's tough to get people to come back (no matter how successful or not they were) when there is a semi-constant barrage of people always trying to bring ya down. That's just my .02cents. I love this club, and I love the people/sponsors I've had the privelage to work with, but the other crap definitely makes you think................................


M.A.S.C Club Member
As for me, I have been to all but maybe 2 BOD/Club meetings, which I think is pretty good considering my travel schedule. I took on chair of the sponsorship committee and with the help of others worked to secure sponsorships/donations that we as a club used to raffle off to raise money for club events. While I may not be active all the time on the forums, I will always be around.

I worked to initiate the membership drives that we did over the years at our local Lfs sponsors, getting more customers of the shops on our local club forum.

I came up with idea/plan for the science fair.

I supply a lot of the equipment that we use to mix water for vendors at our local swaps, and worked with Aaron and other board members to come up with the guidelines for our DBTC meetings.

So I think that although I have enjoyed my time on the board, I would have to respectfully decline the nomination. I can, however be of assistance in case the new board has any questions or concerns, or could help out in the ex officio position if needed.



M.A.S.C Club Member
djkms;107708 said:
Well this sucks, sorry guys but wife says I gotta pull out! Best of luck to all the runners though!
tell her you just need one more minute :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
sure i guess i'll accept but if anyone gives me any BS as a BOD many infractions for you :)
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I will accept member at large, as long as it does not refer to my jean size.
On a serious note, I want everyone to know that I am new to the saltwater hobby, what I lack in knowledge I can make up in enthusiasum. I have been active in many non-profits from dogs to Girl Scouts (no connection) and am a volunteer at the Denver Aquarium. I have extensive marketing skills and can plan an event. Thanks


M.A.S.C Club Member
Including today there is 4 more days to nominate, second, and accept nomination. So far the BOD would consist of 3 BOD members if things stay the way they are right now. Still need accpetance from a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and 2 members at large!


boogie - secretary
thejrc - member at large
hurrafreak - president
Wicked Demon - Vice President
ummfish - member at large
Amonchak - treasurer
scchase - member at large


dvenson - member at large
dv3 - secretary
Pisces II - member at large

zooid - member at large
mikejrice - member at large
jonthefb - secretary
chrislorentz - member at large
djkms - member at large


M.A.S.C Club Member
would be nice to see if the nominated guys are going to accept or not so we can nominate more if need be